


Contact and schedule

Days: Friday 23 and Saturday 24 of September
Time: 6.30pm
Place: Castell de Montjuïc, Barcelona
Free entrance


Públic general
Exhibition of Cia. Bragacadavra and PSM (Collectif Portes Sur Monocycle) at La Mercè festival

On the 23rd and 24th of September at Montjuïc Castle there will be an exhibition by the companies PSM (Collectif Portes Sur Monocycle) and Cia. Bragacadavra, as part of La Mercè, with the collaboration of La Central del Circ.

Públic general
Exhibition of Cia. Bragacadavra and PSM (Collectif Portes Sur Monocycle) at La Mercè festival



Contact and schedule

La Central del Circ
From 10am to 8pm.

Públic general
EP show, with Cie. Patuá, Manel Rosés and Romina de Nardo

On Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November, at 8pm, a new EP (Extended Performance) will take place the show of working progress creations of La Central del Circ.

This edition will consist of three performances of about 20-25 minutes by Cie. Patuá (formed by Rodrigo Ceribelli and Cássia Cristina), and the artists Romina de Nardo and Manel Rosés.


General entry: 8€
Reduced entry: 6€ (socis/es de l’APCC i usuaris/es de La Central del Circ).
Recommended age: +13
Online ticket (from November 6th) or an hour earlier at La Central. Capacity is limited.

Públic general
EP show, with Cie. Patuá, Manel Rosés and Romina de Nardo



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule


En Construcció (internal activity)

The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.

After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.

Artists interested in participating must contact the artistic coordination of La Central:

En Construcció (internal activity)