Des de la comissió de mediació de la Central del Circ, engeguem el projecte Grada 10,un espai de diàleg i reflexió sobre les pràctiques del circ contemporani.
Pe dur-lo a terme es vol formar un grup d’espectadores actives que se submergirà en un procés de coneixement i pràctica de processos creatius de circ contemporani. Visualitzarem peces d’autoria d’artistes residents a La Central del Circ, en diferents fases de creació.
Aquest espai està dirigit a persones vinculades al Barri del Besòs-Maresme.
Open call for La Mercè 2023, fodestinada a companyies de circ professionals.
We are going to select two projects, that can be presented in approximately 20 minutes each, or a single project of 45-50 minutes. The dates of the shows will be 23 and 24 September.
If you are interested, you can submit your candidacy until June 18.
The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.
After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.