


Contact and schedule

1pm, at La Central del Circ

Meeting – gender comission

Resulting from a decision undertaken by La Central four months ago, a gender commission has been implemented whose goal will be to create an environment which espouses equality, respect and non-violence. As members of the commission, together we will foster a space for reflection, learning and joint change.

Meetings will be open to all community members and will take place every first Tuesday of the month at 1pm.

Meeting – gender comission



Contact and schedule

Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 of March, at 8pm

Públic general
EP, work in progress exhibition

Four performances of about 20-25 minutes by the artists Elis Valente, Pablo Molina and Marina Cherry, and the company ROOM100.d’uns 20-25 minuts a càrrec dels artistes Elis Valente, Pablo Molina i Marina Cherry, i la companyia ROOM100.


General entry: 8€
Reduced entry: 6€ (partners of the APCC and users of La Central del Circ).
Recommended age: +12

Públic general
EP, work in progress exhibition



Contact and schedule

Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 of March, at 8pm

Públic general
EP, work in progress exhibition

Four performances of about 20-25 minutes by the artists Elis Valente, Pablo Molina and Marina Cherry, and the company ROOM100.d’uns 20-25 minuts a càrrec dels artistes Elis Valente, Pablo Molina i Marina Cherry, i la companyia ROOM100.


General entry: 8€
Reduced entry: 6€ (partners of the APCC and users of La Central del Circ).
Recommended age: +12

Públic general
EP, work in progress exhibition



Contact and schedule


Under Construction demonstration

The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.

After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.

Artists interested in participating must contact the artistic coordination of La Central:

Under Construction demonstration



Contact and schedule

De 10 h a 17 h
La Central del Circ

Trobada formativa ‘Mediació artística’

La mediació artística és un tema del qual sentim parlar constantment. De fet, a les artistes i companyies se’ls demana molt sovint proposar “activitats de mediació” en els projectes que presenten a subvencions o residències. Però què és exactament la mediació artística? En què consisteix i què engloba? I per què se’n parla cada cop més?

Abordarem aquestes qüestions en una jornada en tres blocs, en un recorregut per la teoria, les referències i la pràctica, amb Thomas Louvat, Lali Álvarez i la Companyia de circ “eia”.

Trobada formativa ‘Mediació artística’



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule

Saturday, March 15th, at 7:30 PM
L’Auditori de Sant Martí

Públic general
“AKí”, a circus show featuring emerging artists at the Auditori de Sant Martí

On March 15th, at 7:30 PM, AKí will take place at the Sant Martí Auditorium, a circus show featuring emerging artists from the Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel and La Central del Circ.

With performances by Aloïs Boyer, Amaia Leoz, Daniel Blázquez, Michael Picard, Luana Flores, Shaïmâa Benkirane, Marine de Grandmaison, and Maria de la Parra, with staging by Cia. Voël.

This event is part of the 360º Accompaniment Circuit of the 2nd Circus Promotion Plan (2023-2026).

Públic general
“AKí”, a circus show featuring emerging artists at the Auditori de Sant Martí



Contact and schedule

From 10.30am to 12pm, at La Central del Circ

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.

The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.

Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)



Contact and schedule

De 15h a 17h
La Central del Circ

Taula de diàleg amb Alba Ramió (Ino Kollektiv)

How does a collective come into being? How does it grow and evolve? How is horizontality in relationships fostered within artistic work and the collective’s functioning? What makes collective stage creation unique?

We will discuss these and other questions with Alba Ramió i Güell, drawing from her experience with Ino Kollektiv, an international acrobatic balancing company currently working on its second creation.

Alba Ramió i Güell is a circus artist and artistic mediator. In addition to being part of Ino Kollektiv, she is the author of various artistic mediation, research, and creation projects, such as Paradoxa Circense (circus and academia), Improportes (improvisation and acrobatic balances), Tarot i Circ (associative cards), the pedagogical kit Les cures i el circ (circus pedagogy), and Cavitat f. (a solo stage piece in progress).

Taula de diàleg amb Alba Ramió (Ino Kollektiv)



Contact and schedule

March 20,at 7pm
La Central Del Circ

Públic general
P.L.A.T with Cie. Dissociée

On Thursday, March 20th, from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM, the first edition of P.L.A.T will take place, in collaboration with circusnext. On this occasion, we will have the opportunity to see a small performance preview of the HERTZ project by Cie. Dissociée.

The event is free of charge, with prior registration. A vegan dish will be served free of charge to all attendees.

Públic general
P.L.A.T with Cie. Dissociée



Contact and schedule

From 3h to 5pm
La Central del Circ

Discussion table “Material as a Creative Engine”, with Vivian Friedrich

Next Thursday, April 3rd, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, at La Central del Circ, we invite you to the discussion table “Material as a Creative Engine”, featuring artist Vivian Friedrich. This event is part of the 2nd edition of the 360º Accompaniment Circuit within the Circus Promotion Plan (2023-2026).

Vivian Friedrich is a researcher and creator of performative circus. In 2022, she premiered Kristall Bohème at the Mercat de les Flors, a piece dedicated to her family’s glassblowing tradition. She has continued exploring movement and glassblowing in Sklenka Melta, a piece with four performers that has yet to be premiered.

How does research with a given material influence, transform, and expand circus movement? How does one move from material exploration to making it a stage partner or even the central element of creation?

Vivian Friedrich’s ongoing creative journey, merging movement and the art of glassblowing, will serve as a starting point for exploring the relationship between the body, circus, and materiality.

The discussion tables of the 360º Accompaniment Circuit are informal exchange spaces for sharing artistic experiences, knowledge, and inquiries, facilitated by established artists and companies.

This event is aimed at emerging contemporary circus artists based in Catalonia.

Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis (maximum 20 participants).

Discussion table “Material as a Creative Engine”, with Vivian Friedrich



Contact and schedule

From 10.30am to 12pm, at La Central del Circ

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.

The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.

Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)



Contact and schedule


En Construcció (internal activity)

The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.

After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.

Artists interested in participating must contact the artistic coordination of La Central:

En Construcció (internal activity)



Contact and schedule

3pm, at La Central del Circ

Community meeting for La Central del Circ

We will hold space to share visions, proposals and learn more about different aspects of the center and its operation.

If you would like to propose a topic for discussion, please do so via email at:

Community meeting for La Central del Circ



Contact and schedule

Until March 31st.

Open Call Circusnext 2026

The European program Circusnext opens a new call for emerging contemporary circus artists who wish to participate in the 2026 edition. Its goal is to promote the development of new generations of innovative creative minds in the circus sector, encouraging them to experiment and question current artistic boundaries. This call is aimed at emerging artists who are currently developing their next circus creation.

Open Call Circusnext 2026