Resulting from a decision undertaken by La Central four months ago, a gender commission has been implemented whose goal will be to create an environment which espouses equality, respect and non-violence. As members of the commission, together we will foster a space for reflection, learning and joint change.
Meetings will be open to all community members and will take place every first Tuesday of the month at 1pm.
From 12 to 16 of February – Rupture and Transformation Week
From February 12 to 16, 2024, the 7th edition of the Rupture and Transformation Week -also known as the Week of users – arrives in La Central del Circ.
During these days, users will take over the reins of the equipment, organizing activities such as research spaces, music jams, talks, film screening, workshops, etc.
From 12 to 16 of February – Rupture and Transformation Week
Entrenament col·lectiu amb Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The APCC and La Central del Circ are launching a second edition of the collective training cycle for circus professionals, by Steffen Lundsgaard, from Manuvision. These trainings aim to facilitate the maintenance of the body of circus professionals and at the same time create a meeting and exchange space.
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.
The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.
Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.
Entrenament col·lectiu amb Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
Entrenament col·lectiu amb Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
Entrenament col·lectiu amb Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The APCC and La Central del Circ are launching a second edition of the collective training cycle for circus professionals, by Steffen Lundsgaard, from Manuvision. These trainings aim to facilitate the maintenance of the body of circus professionals and at the same time create a meeting and exchange space.
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.
The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.
Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.
Entrenament col·lectiu amb Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
Taula de diàleg ‘Transicions i evolucions artístiques’, amb Escarlata
Taula de diàleg ‘Transicions i evolucions artístiques’, amb la companyia Escarlata, en el marc de la 2a edició del Circuit d’Acompanyament 360º del Pla d’Impuls del Circ (2023-2026).
Les taules de diàleg del Circuit d’Acompanyament 360º són espais d’intercanvi informal d’experiències al voltant de qüestions artístiques, coneixements i qüestionaments, dinamitzades per artistes i companyies consolidades.
Dirigida a artistes emergents de circ contemporani, establerts/es a Catalunya.
Taula de diàleg ‘Transicions i evolucions artístiques’, amb Escarlata
The 8th edition of the Week of Break and Transformation is here, taking place from February 10 to 14 at La Central del Circ. This week, La Central del Circ invites its users to take the reins of the facility and organize activities that inspire them: from courses to labs, debates, showcases, and more.
Week of Break and Transformation
Contact and schedule
3pm, at La Central del Circ
Community meeting for La Central del Circ
We will hold space to share visions, proposals and learn more about different aspects of the center and its operation.
If you would like to propose a topic for discussion, please do so via email at:
The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.
After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.
Laboratori 1: LA TEORIA. L’escriptura del projecte. Del 24 al 28 de febrer de 2025 a La Central del Circ. Objectius: Definir conceptualment el projecte escènic, i formalitzar el projecte en un dossier de creació.