November 24th and 25th will take place a new EP, with Cie. Patuá, Manel Rosés and Romina de Nardo


On Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November, at 8pm, a new EP (Extended Performance) will take place the show of working progress creations of La Central del Circ.

This edition will consist of three performances of about 20-25 minutes by Cie. Patuá (formed by Rodrigo Ceribelli and Cássia Cristina), and the artists Romina de Nardo and Manel Rosés.


General entry: 8€
Reduced entry: 6€ (socis/es de l’APCC i usuaris/es de La Central del Circ).
Recommended age: +13
Advanced ticket sales in this link or an hour earlier at La Central. Capacity is limited.

About the companies

Cie. Patuá – ‘Rupestre’ 

Cie. Patuá was born from the desire to create a circus adapted to our reality. After 10 years working together and researching the acrobatic portes, based on their multicultural experiences and their descendants, they want to create a politically committed, spiritual, dramatic, fun and popular circus. A circus that moves between the profane and the sacred, which seduces and then stumbles.

‘Rupestre’ is about poetic and bodily crossings between past, present and future, creating a surrealist travel to the prehistoric origin of humanity. The artists play two characters that are found in various historical periods, with their memories and premonitions they live different relationships of oppression and mutuality. Through a sound and sensory journey, ‘Rupestre’ creates this feeling of regression over time. The plot develops from percussion, the first sound impulse of humanity: collision between objects, noises transform into sound, then into rhythm, melody, dance, interpretation and circus.

Performers: Rodrigo Ceribelli, Cássia Cristina
External view: Christian Lucas
Vestuary: Romane Cassard
Anthropological advisor: Carla Mattos
(Apt for all ages)


Manel Rosés – ‘Ákri’

Manel Rosés Moretó is an acrobat born in Barcelona and trained at the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm (DOCH). He based his work on body, play and object and is interested in essentially human topics. Since 2010 he has combined the creation of his own numbers and shows with his work as an acrobat/performer with companies such as Circo Eia, Les Ofelies and Cirque du Soleil. In 2016, together with Nilas Kronlid, they created his own company Soon Circus Company. ‘Gregaris’, his first production, has toured throughout Europe.

άκρη (ákri) is a Greek word that translates as threshold or limit. It forms the first part of the compound word ακροβασία (acrobatics). This can be translated as “walking through the limit” or “walking through the threshold”. ‘Ákri’ is a reflection on the craft through the object of the scale. A staircase that represents an area of transit between two spaces, while forming part of the identity of the artist, as an acrobatic apparatus that often accompanies him on stage. How do we live the time that passes between two moments? How do we inhabit these non-places that, like a staircase, are not designed to be inhabited? How do we walk through the threshold?

Original idea:
Manel Rosés Moretó

Performes: Manel Rosés Moretó
Sound and light technician: Diego Rada Antoñanzas
Music composition: Lluis Casahuga
Artistic support and external view: Joan Català.
Artistic collaborations: (Roberto Magro , Stefano d’Argenio, Gina Vila Bruch i Fabrizio Giannini)
Scenography and devices: Ulli Ullrich.
Lighting design (not yet done): Luis Portillo Vallet
Vestuary (under construction): Eli Meoz
(Recommended age: +4)


Romina de Nardo – ‘D’amore e di peperoni’ 

Trapezist, performer, plastic artist and cultural dynamizer. Originally from Montevideo and trained in Buenos Aires, Turin, and Barcelona. Fanatic of putting art, politics, and activism into the same liquor to generate discomfort.

In ‘D’amore e di peperoni’, the artist wonders how far we are able to get to run blood in our veins? Night after night a woman opens a bottle of champagne and toasts for the most beautiful of the passions… A journey in mind and memory, where lust and ecstasy emerge, rotting in pain and anger, and showing the criminality of romantic love.

Direction and performer
: Romina De Nardo

Technical design: Roger Compte
Scene Assistance: Martina Rico
Music: Guillem Otzet
External view: Ramiro Erburu
(Recommended age: + 13)