


Contact and schedule

Dimarts 2 de juliol
Jardins del Teatre Grec

Xerrada amb l’artista Johann Le Guillerm als Jardins del Teatre Grec

El Festival Grec organitza una xerrada amb l’artista Johann Le Guillerm, de la companyia Cirque Ici, per a artistes i professionals del circ (persones associades a l’APCC i usuàries de La Central del Circ), amb l’acompanyament de l’artista i director Johnny Torres.

Xerrada amb l’artista Johann Le Guillerm als Jardins del Teatre Grec



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule

July 6 and 7, from 6pm to 8pm, in the Museu del Disseny-DHub

Públic general
‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective, in the Museu del Disseny, within the framework of the Creació i Museus

La Central del Circ participates in Creació i Museus together with the Museu del Disseny-DHub, with ‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective. The exhibition will be on 6 and 7 July, from 6pm to 8pm, as part of the Grec Festival programme.

Públic general
‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective, in the Museu del Disseny, within the framework of the Creació i Museus



Contact and schedule

July 6 and 7, from 6pm to 8 pm, in the Museu del Disseny-DHub

Públic general
‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective, in the Museu del Disseny, within the framework of the Creació i Museus

La Central del Circ participates in Creació i Museus together with the Museu del Disseny-DHub, with ‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective. The exhibition will be on 6 and 7 July, from 6pm to 8 pm, as part of the Grec Festival programme.

Públic general
‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective, in the Museu del Disseny, within the framework of the Creació i Museus



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting