T.E.S.T.! – Vivian Friedrich & The Schubert Sisters


On May 27 will take place in La Central del Circ a new T.E.S.T.! This time with the artist Vivian Friedrich & The Schubert Sisters and their creation Kristall Bohème.

Kristall Bohème is a research and creation project and a platform for visibility and experimentation for circus language and blown-glass crafts, a trade that is disappearing. It is a performance with a circus artist, a musician and a lyrical singer which delves into transgenerational memory, roots and footprints. It seeks a balance between what is new and what is old, claiming that the former cannot exist without the latter.

The composition of the show is based on movement and acrobatics on the U-String, fakirism, and object manipulation.

Kristall Bohème will take place in La Central del Circ on May 27, at 8 pm.

The tickets cost 5€ and will be able from May 9 in Entrápolis platform.