


Contact and schedule

From 10.30am to 12pm, at La Central del Circ

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.

The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.

Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule

From 10.30am to 12pm, at La Central del Circ

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.

The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.

Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule

16 de generde 15h a 17h, a La Central del Circ

Taula de diàleg ‘Circ contemporani i públic infantil’

El pròxim 16 de generde 15h a 17h, a La Central del Circ, proposem la taula de diàleg ‘Circ Contemporani i públic infantil’amb Quim Giron, d’Animal Religion’, en el marc de la 2a edició del Circuit d’Acompanyament 360º del Pla d’Impuls del Circ (2023-2026).

Quim Giron és un creador i artista de circ que ha explorat diferents formats i dispositius escènics. En dotze anys de trajectòria, ha creat 9 espectacles a més de realitzar diferents encàrrecs com ara Natal, que es pot veure durant la present edició del Festival de Nadal de Barcelona.

En aquesta taula de diàleg, ens centrarem en les seves peces adreçades a infants: …I les idees volen! (a partir de 2 anys) i Copiar (a partir de 8 anys), dos espectacles programats aquestes setmanes al Mercat de les Flors.

Quin ha estat l’impuls que l’ha portat a crear per a un públic tan jove? Què ha tingut en compte durant el procés de creació i com ha estat l’acollida d’aquestes propostes? I per què creu que no hi ha més propostes de circ contemporani adreçades a aquestes franges d’edat?

Taula de diàleg ‘Circ contemporani i públic infantil’



Contact and schedule


En Construcció (internal activity)

The Under Construction demonstrations are a very special moment of presentation by individual artists and companies that reveal a first phase of their personal research. The aim is that these artists can confront the first stage of their research with an accomplice audience.

After the demonstration, a conversation takes place between the artists and the audience in order to open up and stimulate observation of the work presented and reflection on the work itself. Under Construction takes place once every month and a half or every two months, on Thursday afternoons.

Artists interested in participating must contact the artistic coordination of La Central:

En Construcció (internal activity)



Contact and schedule

From 10.30am to 12pm, at La Central del Circ

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)
The training sessions will take place every Tuesday, from 10.30am to 12pm, from January to June 2024, in the training room of La Central del Circ.

The cost of each session for APCC members and users with an annual fee of La Central will be €5, and €7 for other professionals.

Interested people can book the number of sessions they want, and places are limited to 20 people per training. You can register here.

Training session with Steffen Lundsgaard (Manuvision)



Contact and schedule

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am

La Central del Circ

Coffee meeting

Every Wednesday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, the Coffee meeting takes place in the common kitchen area of La Central del Circ.

It’s a meeting place for users, artists and companies in residence and the management team of La Central del Circ, with the aim of sharing a while together.

We’re waiting for you!

Coffee meeting



Contact and schedule

27 de gener, de 10h a 14h
La Central del Circ

Trobada formativa ‘Sostenibilitat dels processos creatius’

Trobada formativa ‘Sostenibilitat dels processos creatius’, dins el Programa de Transmissió de Coneixement i Professionalització, de la mesura ‘Circuit d’Acompanyament 360º’ (Pla d’Impuls del Circ 2023-2026), que La Central del Circ lidera juntament amb el Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel.

Trobada formativa ‘Sostenibilitat dels processos creatius’