circusnext 2024 Laureates

International projects

Last week took place the selection of laureates of the European circusnext programme. Among the laureates, there is a Spanish company: La Víspera, formed by Vinka Delgado and Diego Hernando, who presented the creation ‘Fragmentos‘.

The other laureates companies in this edition are: Noa Aubry (France) with ‘Là où la nuit n’est pas si loin puisque le jour s’en va déjà’, Taigi Cirkas, formed by Elena Kosovec and Izabele Kuzelyte (Lithuania), with ‘Saucisson, and Maison Courbe, formed by Nina Harper, Domitille Martin and Ricardo Cabral (France), with ‘Le Bruit des Pierres’.

About La Víspera

After studying fine arts, circus and theatre, Vinka Delgado focused on the creation of puppets, masks, costumes and set design. Diego Hernando studied sound engineering and became a video and lighting technician. He then trained in circus and theatre. Together they founded La Víspera in Granada, ‘Fragmentos’ is their second creation.

‘Fragmentos’ divides the body to better understand it. The artists take an intimate and poetic approach to explore the distortion and disintegration of the body. Masks, puppetry, and light research open a discussion on pain and how it can be relieved through fragmentation. When suffering becomes too intense, the mind splits.


Circusnext platform is a project led by the French association Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe (JTCE) thanks to the support of the Creative Europe program. Since its creation in 2017, this network of more than 20 partners has been working at the European level to give visibility to unique emerging artists, offering residencies and exhibitions. La Central has been a member since November 2019.