P.L.A.T (Practice, Liberating, Artistic, and Transformative), a new showcase space for resident artists and companies at La Central del Circ


This year, La Central del Circ is launching a new activity: P.L.A.T, a space for free, artistic, and transformative practice.

The aim of this initiative is to provide resident artists and companies with a flexible environment where they can share, experiment, and test their creative processes without the pressure of presenting a finished work or a specific stage proposal.

The space seeks to promote transparency in the creative process, establish connections with the local community, foster artistic transformation, and break hierarchies by creating a horizontal environment that prioritizes dialogue and collaboration.

Artists and companies can present any type of creative material, and La Central’s management team will provide logistical and technical support. P.L.A.T is open to both professionals in the field and the general public interested in contemporary art.

With a philosophy based on vulnerability, coexistence, and freedom of expression, P.L.A.T differs from the traditional concept of a “public rehearsal,” prioritizing the creative process and embracing mistakes as a tool for learning. Additionally, on the day of the event, we will share a plate of food with a local organization and/or one linked to La Central, strengthening the connection with the local environment and creating a more inclusive and participatory space.

These sessions will take place on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The activity is free of charge, but prior registration is required to participate. The capacity will depend on each artist’s proposal, with a maximum of 100 people. The idea is for the event to take place once a month or every two months.


  • March 20Cie. La Dissociée, “Hertz”
  • May 29Arrel Guevara, “Lutum”
  • September 25Cia. Otra vez lunes, “This is not a love song”
  • October 16Companyia de circ “eia”, “Secrets”
  • November 20Artist within the Iberescena program
  • December 18Cie. La Norma, “Scandale”