Resolution of the call for applications for the Trànsits Residencies 2025 and the ‘Beques Barcelona Crea – Fàbriques de Creació’
We are launching the 2nd edition of the 360º Support Circuit of the 2023-2024 Circus Development Plan.
Statement: Temporary Absence of the Artistic Coordination at La Central del Circ
‘Pioneers of the New Catalan Circus,’ Second Open Gathering of the Living Circus Archive, at Ateneu Popular 9 Barris
Artist Juan Carlos Panduro Among the 12 Finalists of Circusnext 2025
Open Registration for the Training Workshop ‘The Distribution of a Circus Show,’ as Part of the 360º Support Circuit
La Central del Circ participates in the ‘Cultura al barri’ program with the show ‘Entre bous i vaques’, by La côte folle
‘Circus, Margins, and Occupation,’ the first open meeting of the Living Circus Archive
Open Call – Trànsits 2025 Residency Program, supported by the ‘Beques Barcelona Crea – Fàbriques de Creació’
Conversa amb l’antropòloga i especialista en estudis de circ Julieta Infantino
Training sessions with Manuvision return to La Central del Circ
The Arxiu Viu de Circ team will hold three participatory meetings with various generations of circus artists
La Central del Circ participates in the pilot project CirCulem with various circus sector agents
EKO – PIRINEUS DE CIRC obre una convocatòria per a projectes de creació d’espectacles de circ
Inscripcions obertes per la Trobada formativa ‘La producció d’un espectacle de circ’, dins el Circuit d’Acompanyament 360º
Registrations open for the 12th Hand-to-Hand Meeting, which will take place from October 11 to 13
EKO – Pirineus de Circ organitza diverses formacions i obrirà una convocatòria per a projectes de creació de circ al setembe
Registrations are open for the 2nd Trapeze Artists’ Meeting, which will take place from October 31 to November 3
El 2 de juliol, a les 12.30h, tindrà lloc una xerrada amb l’artista Johann Le Guillerm als Jardins del Teatre Grec
Projects shortlisted in the circusnext 2025 call
La Central del Circ participates in Creació i Museus together with the Museu del Disseny-DHub, with ‘Ressons’, by Haa Collective
A team of seven experts will develop the Arxiu Viu de Circ from the Pla d’Impuls del Circ (2023-2026)
Dilluns i dimarts, 3 i 4 de juny, tindran lloc les mostres finals del programa educatiu Caixa d’Eines
circusnext 2024 Laureates